Stock Fish Stock

Rating: 3.3 / 5.00 (10 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



– posted by K.-H. Boller – modified by Bollerix

Carcasses are not always available in the fish kitchen, in order to be able to make the indispensable stock fresh every time. Especially since the fishmonger can only offer real fresh on certain days. Whoever finds out these days can get carcasses of freshly caught fish – for a fish stock on stock. Because it can be frozen excellently. Fish stock can also be kept in the refrigerator for a few days, covered tightly. But it is safer to keep it in the freezer. In the freezer, it remains absolutely fresh and can be kept for up to three months without losing quality (longer storage can result in unpleasant changes in taste).

Two freezing methods are convenient:

1. line rectangular freezer cans with freezer bags, fill them with the cooled stock, close the bags and freeze in the cans. Now take out the bags and store them in the freezer, the cuboids stack well, and the cans are free for other use. If you take cans of half l capacity, the frozen content of the bags (400 ml) corresponds in detail to the mass needed for the sauce au vin blanc, one of the most important sauces of the fish cuisine.

However, it is advisable to freeze a supply in cans of a quarter of a liter, because many recipes call for smaller quantities of fish stock.

2. reduce the fish stock at the beginning by boiling it down to a quarter of the original mass.

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