Rhubarb Mango Jam

Rating: 4.375 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Rinse rhubarb stalks, peel off the outer skin. Place the stalks next to each other and cut into pieces, put in a fat-free pot.

Remove the peel from the mango, cut the flesh into wedges from the stone and add to the rhubarb pieces form.

Rinse the lemon with hot water and dry, then thinly grate and squeeze. Mix the zest and juice together with the preserving sugar into the fruit, cover the saucepan and let stand until a tiny bit of juice has formed.

Allow to bubble up while stirring, bubbling at length for 4 min, skimming in between if necessary. If the jam is still very chunky, you can briefly grind it with the cutting rod of the blender.

Fill the finished jam into prepared jars, seal on the spot with twist or canning skin off lids.

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