Ratatouille Lasagna

Rating: 3.1795 / 5.00 (39 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


For the sauce:

For the cream:


For the Ratatouille Lasagna, thinly slice the melanzani, salt on both sides and let sit for about 30 minutes or longer. Dab off the liquid.

For the ratatouille, dice the onion, bell bell pepper, half the zucchini and half the melanzani. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, first sauté the onion and bell bell pepper, then add the zucchini and melanzani and sauté briefly.

Then add the tomato paste and sauté. Deglaze with the port wine (alternatively a strong red wine), finally add the tomato sauce (passata), garlic and the herbs and spices and simmer on low heat for about 25 minutes.

If there is not enough liquid, add some more water. Season to taste.

For the cream grate cheese and mix with cottage cheese and a little milk and the spices, the mixture should be rather creamy thick.

Cut the remaining half zucchini, tomatoes and cheese (mozzarella) into thin slices.

Now layer by layer first put the ratatouille (half or 2/3) in the mold, the bottom should be nicely covered, then a layer of lasagna sheets, then the cheese cream, then another layer of lasagna sheets, again a layer of ratatouille.

Then alternate layers of sliced half melanzani, zucchini, tomatoes overlapping, finish with the cheese, drizzle with a little olive oil and season.

Bake in the preheated oven at approx. 200 – 220 °C top/bottom heat for

Preparation Tip:

If you like, you can also sauté the melanzani and zucchini briefly before layering, but this is not necessary if they have been cut really thin.

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