Pasta with Cashew Pesto

Rating: 2.2 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Cashew pesto:


Pasta dishes are just always delicious!

Cashew pesto: fry cashew nuts in a pan, remove, coarsely chop, put in a small baking dish form. Season with salt, pepper, horseradish. Gradually add sunflower oil or other vegetable oil and tree nut oil, stirring.

Cut rectangular rolled out pasta dough into strips about 3 cm wide, cook in boiling salted water for 1-2 minutes until al dente.

Mix measured mass of cooking water into cashew pesto.

Drain pasta, return to frying pan, add pesto, mix with two forks.

Tip * Use pine nuts instead of cashews.

* Can be prepared. Cook pesto 1 day ahead, refrigerate with lid closed. Remove pesto from refrigerator thirty min before use.

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