Pasta Leaves with Root Vegetables

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the pasta sheets with root vegetables, auroll the pasta dough and cut out 5 cm circles. Cook the pasta in salted water until al dente.

Peel the Jerusalem artichoke, parsley root and 50 g of bulbous celery and dice very finely. Prepare the remaining 50 g of bulbous zest in the same way and set aside separately. Fry the vegetables in oil with the shallot until cooked and season. Remove from the frying pan and keep warm.

Reduce the vegetable soup in the frying pan slightly, season as needed and round off with the marrow butter. Toss the pasta slices in it and mix with the finely shaved truffle slices.

Sauté the cubes of bulbous zest set aside in butter, season with salt.

In a timbale dish, layer 4-5 noodles at a time with the truffles, turn out onto the plate place a tablespoon of each of the vegetables, garnish with slices of truffle.

Add the separately fried cubes of sweetbread and sprinkle with chervil leaves. Drape the remaining marrow butter mixed with the soup over it and serve the pasta sheets with root vegetables.

Preparation Tip:

The noodle leaves with root vegetables are a delicious dish even without truffles. Tuberous zest or crosne is a Japanese tuber. You can get it in well-stocked delicatessens.

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