Old Viennese Style Boiled Beef with Three Different Sauces

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For The Chive Sauce:

For The Mushrooms:

For the apple horseradish:

For The Chalice:


Have fun preparing this mushroom dish!

Put the meat in a large saucepan with boiling hot water, at the same time with peppercorns, beef liver, bones and herbs. Sauté the onions, cut side down, without fat or oil, until black. Add to the meat in the roasting pan. Do everything together for about 120 minutes. An hour before the end, add the vegetables.

Chive sauce: soak white bread in milk and squeeze. Add the cooked (finely chopped) and raw egg yolks, as well as the tarragon mustard and a little bit of sugar. Adding oil throughout, use a hand mixer to create a creamy sauce, similar to mayo. Add a dash of vinegar, salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Add the chives just before serving.

Mushrooms: Sauté the mushrooms with the onions in butter. Season with salt. Add the cream and cook. Whisk the flour into the sour cream and add it as well. If the sauce is too thick: Correct consistency with cream. Season with the juice of one lemon as well as the Peterli.

Apple horseradish: Stew the apples with a little water, the juice of one lemon and sugar until soft. Strain, cool and mix with the remaining ingredients (enough freshly grated horseradish, oil, vinegar).

Goblet: at the beginning put the potatoes, then the cabbage in low boiling water and make soft. Abse

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