Mushroom Soup with Rissoni Chowder

Rating: 4.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Melt the butter in a large frying pan over low heat. Brown the garlic and onions in it for 1 minute. Saute the mushrooms for 5 min until soft, without letting them brown. Set aside a few mushroom slices as garnish. Add the chicken soup and simmer for ten minutes.

At the same time, make the rissoni al dente in a large saucepan of bubbling salted water. Drain.

Cool the mushroom soup a bit and puree in a food processor until smooth.

Add the puree to the frying pan one more time and fold in the pasta and whipped cream. Heat briefly and season vigorously with salt and freshly ground pepper. Divide evenly among soup plates or bring to the table in a large tureen. Garnish with the remaining mushrooms.

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