Minced Roast

Rating: 3.875 / 5.00 (280 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Preheat oven to 200 °C.

Soak the rolls in milk, squeeze well and pass through a sieve. Mix the meat and the bread mixture well (preferably with your hands).

Peel and chop onion, fry in butter until golden brown. Mix meat with bacon, egg, salt, pepper, marjoram, caraway seeds, roasted onion, parsley, crushed garlic and cream.

Form mixture into a roll on a board (or work surface) with bread crumbs.

Melt butter.

Pour butter over roast in a casserole dish and roast in oven for 50-60 minutes, basting with beef broth several times if necessary.

10 minutes before end of cooking time remove roast, brush with sour cream stirred until smooth and return to oven, a soft crust will form.

Remove roast from oven, carefully lift out of casserole and keep warm.

Mix the roast juice with flour and mustard, season with a little lemon juice, bring to the boil once briefly.

Preparation Tip:

Variations: Wrapped in a pork net, minced roast becomes net roast (it stays juicier that way), in the form of a hare's back it becomes false hare, and stuffed with hard-boiled whole eggs and pickles it becomes Stephani roast.

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