Melon Chili Soup

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


As a possible insert:



Peel the melons, cut them in half, remove the seeds and cut the flesh into rough cubes. Blend with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, grated lime zest and ginger as well as some chili threads and a little salt in a hand blender or with a hand blender.

Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper and chill in the refrigerator for 120 minutes. Just before serving, cut basil leaves.

Serving: Put the soup in a deep plate, spread a little bit of basil evenly on top and if you like, finish with the Parma ham or the smoked duck breast.

Tips: * Ripe melons can be recognized by their sweet smell and in the case of Charantais melons, when they are extremely ripe, the stem can be pulled out of the melon. However, if the melons indent very easily and have brownish or moist areas, they are overripe and should not be purchased.

* If you use a plate with a wide rim, the rim can be decorated with coarsely ground spices such as chili, pepper or small pieces of dried tomatoes.

Tip: Always use aromatic spices to refine your dishes!

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