Mayo Basic Recipe, Homemade

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



In and of itself, the egg and oil should be “room temperature”, but mayo also succeeds in cooler heat. Almost indispensable, however, is the little whisk!

Egg yolk, mild mustard and juice of a lemon stir well. Then add 0.25 liters of oil, possibly a little more, in a thin stream or by the teaspoon.

Whisk until thick. Season to taste with juice of one lemon, pepper, salt, mustard and sugar. For larger quantities, it is recommended to prepare in an electric device, then add all ingredients at once.

Mayo and mayo mixtures can be used everywhere. If one goes exceptionally well with certain dishes, a special note will be found in the recipes below for that particular recipe.

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