Green Asparagus Soup

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A more wonderful asparagus recipe:

Rinse green asparagus, perhaps peel lower third, cut into pieces about 5 cm long.

Boil 1 l water with salt, sugar and butter. Add green asparagus pieces and cook for about 15 minutes. Collect the liquid.

Heat butter in a saucepan, add flour, stir and sweat until light yellow. Gradually pour in green asparagus broth, let it bubble up, season with salt, cayenne pepper, juice of one lemon and a pinch of nutmeg. Mix egg yolks with whipped cream or milk, whisk with a little bit of hot soup, add to the rest of the soup (do not let it bubble up anymore), add green asparagus pieces.

Dill rinse, chop, sprinkle.

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