Gratinated Chicory

Rating: 3.7778 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)

Preparation time:


Clean and rinse the chicory. Discard stem end in the form of a wedge. Steam in a little boiling salted water for about 3 minutes with the lid closed.

Lift out, rinse and drain. Wrap cobs with 1 slice of ham around each. Place side by side in 1 large or 2 small greased gratin dishes.

Heat 1 tbsp. butter, sweat flour in it. Add milk. Grate cheese and let it melt in the sauce. Season to taste and spread evenly over the chicory. Bake in heated oven (electric oven: 200 °C / convection oven: 175 °C / gas: level 3) for 15-20 min until golden brown. Serve with boiled potatoes.

Chicory contains intybin. The bitter substance is not everyone’s cup of tea, but intybin has a positive effect on the blood vessels and digestion.

Tip: It’s best to use your favorite ham – then your dish will taste twice as good!

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