Fish Casserole Italian

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Pasta dishes are always a good idea!

Cook spaghetti in bubbling boiling salted water for 15 min. Pour into a colander, rinse and drain.

Grease gratin dish with butter. Fill with half of the spaghetti. Shred tuna meat and spread evenly over pasta. Remove bones from halibut, shred. Form over the tuna. Spread evenly over second half of spaghetti. Drain mushrooms well and spread evenly over fish.

Blanch (scald) the tomatoes with hot water, peel, cut out the stalks and cut into slices. Spread evenly on the mushrooms as the last layer. Mix sour eggs, milk, whipped cream and Parmesan cheese. Season heartily with salt, pepper, washed, chopped parsley and garlic powder. Pour over mixture. Place in the heated oven on the middle rack. Baking time: 30 min.

Electric stove: 200 degrees

Gas stove: level 4

Remove from the stove and bring to the table hot.


20 min.


45 min.

Menu 3/160

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