Fine Pike Pie

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



A delicious fish recipe for any occasion!

Prepare salt, lard, flour and 120 ml ice cold water to a smooth dough. Cover and refrigerate. Rinse pike meat and remove bones, then pass through the finest wheel of a meat grinder. Fold in eggs and bread crumbs. Season with salt, pepper and 1 tbsp. juice of a lemon. Rinse trout fillets, dry and drizzle with remaining juice of one lemon, season with salt and season with pepper. Rinse dill and chop finely. Set aside 1/4 of the pie dough. Roll out the rest on a lightly floured baking sheet to 50×26 cm. Grease mold, pour in dough and press until smooth. Spread half of the fish farce evenly on the bottom. On top, place half of the dill mold. Layer trout fillets on top. Season with dill. Spread remaining fish farce on top. Roll out the remaining dough to 32×10 cm. Cover mold with it, cut off overhanging dough. Cut out two circles on the pastry top and decorate with the leftover dough. Mix egg yolk with water and brush the pastry with it. Bake in a heated oven at 200 °C (gas mark 3) for about 1 hour. After half the baking time, cover with aluminum foil. Cool the pâté in the mold.

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