Elderberry Cakes

Rating: 3.3333 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Pancake batter:



A cake recipe for all foodies:

From the ingredients you make a smooth pancake batter.

Take the flower umbels by the stalks and dip them into the batter. When they are taken out, they are shaken a little bit, so that when they are baked, they form bizarre shapes, which are extraordinarily crispy. The cakes are fried in floating fat. When the first side is browned, cut off the stalk and turn. The finished cake is best removed from the fat with a skimmer and drained on kitchen crepe.

Sprinkled with powdered sugar it tastes simply wonderful. It gives an exceptionally good taste if the fat is mixed about half with vegetable fat and clarified butter.

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