Crunchy Chocolate Slice ,,Gabi & Julia”

Rating: 3.774 / 5.00 (146 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)


For the floor:

For the hazelnut mixture:

For the chocolate cream:


For the crispy chocolate slice ,,Gabi & Julia” first prepare the base.

For the base, melt the nougat and milk chocolate together. Add the crumbled cornflakes and mix. Place a frame mold (18 x 18 cm) on a baking sheet with baking parchment, pour in the nougat mixture and smooth it out. Chill for 1 hour.

For the hazelnut mixture, beat the egg whites until stiff and carefully mix with the hazelnuts, sugar, flour and melted butter. Line another baking sheet with baking parchment and spread the mixture 1 cm high, as rectangular as possible (18 x 18 cm) and bake in the preheated oven at 180 °C (top and bottom heat) on the middle shelf for about 15 minutes. Allow to cool.

Spread a thin layer of plum jam on the crispy base and place the cut hazelnut mixture on top and press down lightly.

For the chocolate cream, beat the egg in a snow kettle over a water bath until warm. Roughly chop and dissolve the dark chocolate coating, add to the egg mixture, then mix and stir in the rum. Then fold in 3 tablespoons of lightly whipped cream and mix, fold in the remaining whipped cream, mix and spread the mixture on the hazelnut base. Spread smoothly and chill for 5 hours.

Remove the frame, cut into pieces, cover with chocolate rolls and sprinkle the crunchy chocolate slice ,,Gabi & Julia” with cocoa powder.

Preparation Tip:

The crunchy chocolate slice ,,Gabi & Julia" can also be made with any other jam.

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