Chop of Suckling Pig Back on Flemish Beer Sauce

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For The Potato Flan:


Brown the suckling pig chops in rapeseed oil, season with pepper and salt, cook in the preheated kitchen stove at 150 degrees for 10 min. until rosy.

Caramelize the sugar in a saucepan, extinguish with the beer and add the brown sauce, cook the sauce for a few minutes. Add the meat stock, season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.

Cut kale into coarse strips, blanch in salted water (quench when cool). Fry diced beef and onions in lard, add blanched kale, sauté lightly, add whipping cream and simmer. Then season with pepper, salt, nutmeg and caraway seeds.

Make potatoes and lightly roll in whipping cream “dry” until potatoes have absorbed the whipping cream, season with salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg and mash finely. Fold in eggs a little at a time. Put the mixture into buttered ramekins and cook for 15 minutes at 130 degrees. After cooking, loosen the flan along the edge of the ramekin with a fine kitchen knife and turn it out.


Form the kale in the middle of the plate, place the suckling pig chops on top and garnish with beer sauce. Place the potato flan on top of the meat.

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