Chicken Croquettes

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Try this delicious cake recipe:

Remove all skin and bones from the chicken and put the chicken through a meat grinder. Sauté the skin and bones in 1 tbsp. sesame oil, add chopped onions, carrot slices and juniper berries, pour a tiny bit of water and boil to a strong stock. Roast the sesame seeds in a little oil until golden. Knead the chicken mixture with 50 g of the seeds, season with salt, season with pepper, form small loafs and fry in a spoonful of sesame oil. Remove from the frying pan, turn to the other side in the remaining sesame seed and wrap in the blanched vine leaves. Place the wrapped loaves on a buttered baking sheet and cook for half an hour at 220 °C in the oven until done. Add water if necessary.

Sauce: Heat a little oil, lightly brown the chopped almond kernels and the remaining sesame seeds, add the finely weighed lemon balm and extinguish with the stock from the bones. Add whipping cream and simmer to a creamy sauce.

Pour sauce into a shallow baking dish and place the patties in it. In Senegal, it is served with small millet cakes. Polenta also goes well with it.

Info: Sesame plants bloom white or red and look like flowering shrubs. Their fruit capsules are full of seeds, which not only taste pleasant, but also contain over 40% oil.

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