Breakfast Eggs

Rating: 2.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)

Onion Egg With Chives:

Ham and egg:

Roquefort Egg:

Egg Florentine:


20 min, light Onion egg with chives:

Sauté the spring onion in butter until translucent, add the quartered mushrooms, cool. Mix with the beaten egg, fill in the jar and put in boiling water for 3, 5 min. closed.

Ham Egg:

Whisk the eggs with the cream. Add the herbs and the finely diced ham, season with salt and pepper. Shape into glasses and cook in boiling water for about 4 minutes. Then remove from water, stir, place in water again and finish cooking in 90 seconds.

Roquefort egg:

Peel and chop shallots, sauté in butter. Crumble in Roquefort, pour in cream, season with pepper and cool. Mix with the egg and fill in the jars, close and put in the boiling water for 3, 5 min.

Egg Florentine:

Mix the spinach with almost all the sauce Mornay, divide half of it evenly between two glasses. Add the eggs, cover with the remaining spinach, add a little bit of Mornay sauce and cook for about 3 minutes. Remove the lid and sprinkle with Parmesan, bake for about 2 min. at top heat until golden.

Our tip: If you like to cook with fresh herbs, it is best to get kitchen herbs in pots – so you always have everything ready!

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