Baden Meat Salad

Rating: 3.1111 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Cut skinned meat sausage and gherkins into uniform sticks. Peeled onion, peeled, quartered, cored apple also cut into strips. Blanch tomatoes with boiling water (scald), rinse with cold water and peel. Cut out the stalks and remove the seeds. Mix loosely with the asparagus pieces.

For the marinade, mix the mayo with the yogurt until smooth. Stir in mustard and horseradish. Season with salt, pepper and sugar.

Loosely mix salad ingredients and marinade with chives cut into rolls. Let stand and season again before serving.

Garnish with egg quarters and parsley.

Serve with wholemeal rye bread or toast with butter. Beer or Badischer Weissherbst.

Preparation 10 min.

Our tip: Fresh chives are much more aromatic than dried ones!

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