Asparagus Sauces

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 3.0 (servings)


Chive cream sauce:

Orange mayonnaise with:


_Vinaigrette_ Remove the skin from the onion and chop finely. Finely dice the pickle and egg.

In a baking bowl, stir mustard with oil, then add vinegar, juice of one lemon and clear soup. Season the dressing with salt, sugar and freshly ground pepper to taste and add to the finely chopped ingredients form.

Chop the chervil finely and stir in last.

The salad dressing goes very well with lukewarm asparagus spears.

_Chive Cream Sauce_ (*) For preparation see “Asparagus spears (basic recipe)”. Heat the butter in a saucepan, toast the flour in it briefly.

In order to avoid lumps, add cold asparagus stock slowly, stirring vigorously.

Lightly simmer the sauce for a few minutes. Stir the egg yolks, whipped cream and white wine well and add to the hot sauce just before serving. Stir everything well and finally stir in chives. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Mix the cooked asparagus spears into the sauce and bring to the table. The sauce goes very well with herb pancakes or potatoes.

Orange mayonnaise with tomatoes_ Cut the tomatoes at the stem, put them briefly into boiling water, take them out, rinse and remove the skin. Now quarter, remove the seeds and finely dice the flesh.

In a baking bowl, whisk egg yolks until creamy. Add oil, first drop by drop, later in a thin stream, stirring throughout to make a creamy mayo. The

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