Asian Chicken Fillet

Rating: 3.6 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the Asian chicken fillet, fry the chicken fillets in olive oil.

Add two unpeeled garlic cloves, unpeeled ginger, curry, shallots and mint to the frying pan.

Let the chicken cook in the stove for about 6 min. Cut the cabbage into tender strips and season.

Sauté in clarified butter and add Tabasco, curry, pepper, vinegar, salt and a little butter to reduce.

Remove the skin from the remaining mini onions and slice them. Saute with the finely diced garlic in olive oil, salt and pepper.

Empty over the fried chicken meat. Arrange the Asian chicken fillet in a bowl and sprinkle with fresh parsley.

Preparation Tip:

A smoked beer harmonizes wonderfully with the Asian chicken fillet.

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