Apple Pie

Rating: 3.9286 / 5.00 (14 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Try this delicious cake recipe:

For the dough, flour a sheet pan or shallow baking dish. Press an indentation in the center. In it come egg, salt and vanilla sugar. Spread butter evenly in flakes on the edge of the flour, sprinkle with sugar. From the outside to the inside quickly knead a smooth dough and put in the refrigerator to cook for half an hour. In the meantime, peel the apples, quarter them, cut out the core and sprinkle with the juice of one lemon. Dust the baking tray or surface with flour. Roll out half of the dough into a round disk, shape into a greased tart springform pan, smooth the edges.

Spread breadcrumbs evenly on the cake base, add apple pieces on top. Mix sugar and cinnamon. Spread evenly over apples with washed raisins dabbed dry and almond kernels and aniseed. Roll out the rest of the dough to the size of a springform pan, place it as a lid on the apples and smooth the edges a little bit. Place in the heated oven on the middle shelf.

Baking time : 45 min Electric stove : 200 degrees Gas stove level 4 or just under high flame

Remove from heat and sprinkle with powdered sugar or coat with a thin layer of powdered sugar.

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