Braised Beef Leg Meat

Put the slices of leg meat with water and simmer gently for about 1 hour. Cut the cleaned carrot into pieces about 2 cm wide and add to the pot with the peeled shallots. Continue to simmer for about 10 minutes. Then remove the carrots as well as the shallots and set aside. For the … Read more

Apple in a Robe

For the apple in a blanket, mix the flour with the margarine and add the skimmed curd. Knead into a smooth curd dough and refrigerate for half an hour. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Wash the apples, cut them in half and remove the cores. Heat orange juice with cloves in a pot. Steam the … Read more

Spicy Pork Ribs

This is the recipe for the best ribs ever. The trick is to roast the ribs with a piece of pork belly at a relatively leisurely pace. The spices and the escaping gravy make a creamy sauce, which you spread over the ribs while they are roasting. Preheat the stove to 180 °C. For a … Read more

Chocolate Walnut Cookies

For the chocolate walnut cookies, prepare the shortcrust pastry. To do this, quickly knead all the ingredients together into a dough and leave to rest for approx. 2 hours in a refrigerated place. Preheat the oven to 170 ºC hot air. Line a baking tray with baking paper. On a floured work surface, roll out … Read more

Hauser’s Engadine Nut Cake

(makes two cakes with a diameter of about 20 cm or one cake with a diameter of about 24 cm). For the dough, cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and milk. Mix flour with the grated lemon peel and add to the mixture. Mix the ingredients to form a dough. Put in the refrigerator for … Read more

Chicken Wraps

For the chicken wraps, put the flour, oil, salt and water in a bowl and knead into a smooth dough. Then wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator. In a skillet, sear the chicken breasts briefly on both sides over high heat. Lower the temperature and finish cooking. In a bowl, mix … Read more

Housewife Style Brik – Brik Diaeri

Season minced meat with salt, season with pepper and sauté with the onion in moderately hot oil for about fifteen minutes. Remove from heat, mince and fry again briefly with parsley and lard, stirring throughout. Fold each brioche sheet into a square, spread with stuffing, top each with a raw egg and fold into a … Read more

Wild Garlic Almond Pesto

For the wild garlic almond pesto, wash the wild garlic leaves and shake dry. Roughly chop and puree in a cup with the pumpkin seed oil. Then add the almond slivers and the herb salt and continue to puree to a creamy en mass. Pour into a small jar, cover generously with pumpkin seed oil … Read more

Liver Strudel

For the liver strudel, fry onion in oil until golden. Soak bread roll in water and squeeze well. Mix all ingredients for the filling well. Butter one strudel sheet and place the second one on top. Spread the filling on the strudel sheets. Fold in the side strudel sheets about 2 cm. Roll up strudel … Read more

Golatschen Slices

First prepare the poppy seed and curd cheese filling for the Golatschen slices. For the poppy seed filling, bring all ingredients to the boil, allow to cool and stir with 1-2 tablespoons of rum. For the curd filling, mix all ingredients until a smooth, homogeneous mass is formed. For the dough, mix all ingredients well … Read more